Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sound of Silence

[Your meeting, renamed from Emergency! to All Hands on Deck to Weekly Update to Daily Fire Drill to F***ing Moron did it again has been sent.] 
[TRex has joined]
[GeneralS has joined]
[ThirdFirstL has joined]
[FoxyFriends has joined]
TRex: What happened?
PressSexy: I don't know.  Did his phone break?
GeneralS: I saw him with it this morning.
TRex: It's been over 24 hours without a tweet.
FoxyFriends: I'm scared, my bitches.  This isn't normal.
FBINew has joined:
JimmyC: Is the world ending?
ConWoman has joined
ConWoman: It's too quiet!  How can I spin when he's quiet?
PressSexy: CNN hasn't changed their headlines all day.  It's like Groundhog Day, but every hour!!
[EPASucks has joined]
EPASucks: Did the sun explode?  Why don't people tell me anything? I thought I was supposed to destroy the planet.
[ZMan has joined]
Zman: f***ing hell. what's going on? It's been 24 hours and no tweet?  Did Putin take away his phone privileges?
PressSexy: No, He just called to see if TRex took it and to tell the f***ing moron where the emergency spare was.
ThirdFirstL: Relax everyone.  I DVRed all the Dora the Explorers and told him Disney was running a marathon.  He's been in his onesie all night eating icecream and watching it. 
PressSexy: HOLY F*** that is GENIUS!
TRex: You are my f***ing hero!
ThirdFirstL: He eez so excited to see the turkeys too.  Every time he comes back for ice cream, he's making zee gobbling sounds. It reminds me of when we first met and he took too much Viagra.   He turned to cutest shade of blue and sputtered for hours!
FoxyFriends: F***ing Hells to the Yeah! All the guys here take that s**t.  We call it Viagra-gate!
ThirdFirstL: Gotta run!  Here he comes.  Aw, he's clucking.  He forgot that turkey's cluck.
[ThirdFirstL has left]
ConWoman: I'm going to call CNN and explain how HC wants to let millions of illegal Turkey refugees in.
[ConWoman has left]
TRex: She does know that we're talking about the birds, not the people, right?
PressSexy: Gawd, who knows? That woman is bat shit crazy.  I'm going to start happy hour early.
GeneralS: Don't you have the daily briefing soon?
PressSexy: Yes. That's why I'm drinking now.
[PressSexy has left]
[Meeting has ended]

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